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""" QuArK - Quake Army Knife
Map Editor Entities manager
# Copyright (C) 1996-99 Armin Rigo
#$Header: /cvsroot/quark/runtime/quarkpy/mapentities.py,v 1.30 2003/03/23 07:31:18 tiglari Exp $
import quarkx
from maputils import *
import maphandles
import mapoptions
# Classes that implement operations on all types of Map Objects,
# e.g. Quake entities, groups, brush entities, duplicators, etc.
# See the base class, EntityManager, for more information about
# the available methods.
# Note: there is a special trick with these classes.
# They are not supposed to be used to build instances from;
# instead, they are merely a convenient way to pack functions.
# These functions are NOT called with a first argument "self"
# which is an instance of the class. They are extracted from
# the class and called directly. The first argument is always
# the QuArK object that the operation applies to.
# Call them with CallManager().
def ObjectOrigin(o):
"Returns the origin of the map object o, or the center of its bounding box."
pos = o.origin
if pos is None:
# The object has no "origin", let's compute its bounding box.
box = quarkx.boundingboxof([o])
if box is None:
return None
pos = 0.5*(box[0]+box[1])
return pos
# Entity Manager base class, followed by subclasses.
class EntityManager:
"Base class for entity managers."
# All methods below are here to be overridden in subclasses.
def drawback(o, editor, view, mode):
"Called to draw a background for the object 'o'."
view.drawmap(o, mode) # draw a dark background for "o"
def drawsel(o, view, mode):
"Called to draw the object 'o' selected."
view.drawmap(o, mode) # draw normally by default
def handles(o, editor, view):
"Build a list of handles related to this object."
pos = ObjectOrigin(o)
if pos is None:
return []
return [maphandles.CenterHandle(pos, o, MapColor("Tag"))]
def applylinear(entity, matrix):
"Apply a linear mapping on this object."
def dataformname(o):
"The name of the data form to use for the Specific/Args page."
return "Default" + o.type
def menu(o, editor):
"A pop-up menu related to the object."
import mapmenus
return CallManager("menubegin", o, editor) + mapmenus.BaseMenu([o], editor)
def menubegin(o, editor):
return []
# A function to determine which Specifics in a Quake entity
# are to be considered as 2D or 3D angles.
def ListAngleSpecs(entity):
h2D = maphandles.Angle2DHandle
h3D = maphandles.Angles3DHandle
if entity["light"] and entity["target"]:
h = [] # ignore "angle" in light entities
h = [("angle", h2D)] # "angle" is 2D
h.append(("angles", h3D)) # "angles" is 3D
h.append(("mangle", h3D)) # "mangle" is 3D
return h
def entitylinear(entity, matrix):
# If we rotate the entity, its angle Specifics must be updated.
for spec, cls in ListAngleSpecs(entity):
s = entity[spec]
if s:
stov, vtos = cls.map
normal = stov(s)
normal = matrix * normal
entity[spec] = vtos(normal)
class EntityType(EntityManager):
"Quake non-brush Entities"
def handles(o, editor, view):
return maphandles.CenterEntityHandle(o, view)
applylinear = entitylinear
def drawback(o, editor, view, mode):
view.drawmap(o, mode) # draw a dark background for "o"
drawentitylines(editor, [o], view)
def dataformname(o):
return o.shortname
def menubegin(o, editor):
import mapmenus
return mapmenus.EntityMenuPart([o], editor)
class DuplicatorType(EntityType):
def applylinear(entity, matrix):
import mapduplicator
def dataformname(o):
import mapduplicator
return mapduplicator.DupManager(o).dataformname()
def handles(o, editor, view):
import mapduplicator
return mapduplicator.DupManager(o).handles(editor, view)
class GroupType(EntityManager):
"QuArK groups"
def handles(o, editor, view):
pos = ObjectOrigin(o)
if pos is None:
return []
h = [maphandles.CenterHandle(pos, o, MapColor("Tag"))]
if o["usercenter"] is not None:
return h
def drawsel(o, view, mode):
# draw group selected
view.drawmap(o, mode | DM_SELECTED, view.setup.getint("SelGroupColor"))
def menu(o, editor):
def subspecs(m, group=o, editor=editor):
editor.layout.explorer.sellist = group.subitems
import mapbtns
Spec1 = qmenu.item("Common &specifics...", subspecs, "Specifics/Args of sub-items")
Spec1.state = qmenu.default
edit1 = qmenu.popup("Edit", EntityManager.menu.im_func(o, editor), hint="general editing functions")
usercenter1 = qmenu.item("Add user center", qmacro.MACRO_usercenter, "User controlled pivot point for the group")
usercenter1.state = (o["usercenter"] is not None) and qmenu.disabled
GroupCol1 = qmenu.item("Group &color...", mapbtns.groupcolor, "the color to draw the group")
GroupCol1.rev = 0
RevertCol1 = qmenu.item("Back to &default color", mapbtns.groupcolor, "removes the special color")
RevertCol1.rev = 1
RevertCol1.state = not o["_color"] and qmenu.disabled
import mapmenus
return [Spec1, edit1, usercenter1, qmenu.sep, GroupCol1, RevertCol1, qmenu.sep] + mapmenus.ViewGroupMenu(editor)
def menubegin(o, editor):
import mapmenus
import mapbtns
Spec1 = qmenu.item("&Specifics of the group...", mapmenus.set_mpp_page, "Specifics/Args for the group")
Spec1.page = 1
Tex1 = qmenu.item("&Texture...", mapbtns.texturebrowser, "choose texture of all sub-items")
return [Spec1, Tex1, qmenu.sep]
class BrushEntityType(EntityManager):
"Quake Brush Entities"
def drawsel(o, view, mode):
# draw group selected
view.drawmap(o, mode | DM_SELECTED, view.setup.getint("SelGroupColor"))
def drawback(o, editor, view, mode):
view.drawmap(o, mode) # draw a dark background for "o"
drawentitylines(editor, [o], view)
applylinear = entitylinear
def handles(o, editor, view):
return maphandles.CenterEntityHandle(o, view, pos=ObjectOrigin(o))
def dataformname(o):
return o.shortname
def menubegin(o, editor):
import mapmenus
return mapmenus.EntityMenuPart([o], editor)
def PolyHandles(o, exclude):
"Makes a list of polyhedron handles, excluding the face 'exclude'."
h = []
pos = o.origin
if not (pos is None):
# Vertex handles.
for v in o.vertices:
h.append(maphandles.VertexHandle(v, o))
# Face handles.
for f in o.faces:
if f!=exclude:
# Compute the center of the face.
vtx = f.verticesof(o)
center = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, vtx)/len(vtx)
# Create the handle at this point.
h.append(maphandles.PFaceHandle(center, f))
# Finally, add the polyhedron center handle.
h.append(maphandles.PolyHandle(pos, o))
return h
class PolyhedronType(EntityManager):
def handles(o, editor, view):
h = PolyHandles(o, None)
if h:
return h
# No handle... Maybe the inherited method has some handles to provide.
return EntityManager.handles.im_func(o, editor, view)
def menubegin(o, editor):
import mapmenus
import mapbtns
h = [ ]
if editor.layout.mpp.n != 2:
Spec1 = qmenu.item("&Polyhedron page...", mapmenus.set_mpp_page, "display polyhedron information")
Spec1.page = 2
Spec1.state = qmenu.default
Tex1 = qmenu.item("&Texture...", mapbtns.texturebrowser, "choose texture of polyhedron")
return h + [Tex1] + mapmenus.MenuTexFlags(editor) + [qmenu.sep]
class FaceType(EntityManager):
"Polyhedron Faces"
def drawback(o, editor, view, mode):
# To draw the background of a face, we actually draw the whole polyhedron.
for src in o.faceof:
view.drawmap(src, mode)
def drawsel(o, view, mode):
view.drawmap(o, mode | DM_SELECTED, view.setup.getint("SelFaceColor"))
def handles(o, editor, view):
# Face handles
if view.viewmode in texturedmodes:
# Cyan L handles are useful on textured views only.
h = maphandles.BuildCyanLHandles(editor, o)
h = []
# Add handles from the polyhedron(s) that owns this face.
for p in o.faceof:
if p.type==":p":
h = h + PolyHandles(p, o)
# Add handles for the face itself - once per polyhedron that owns this face.
scale = view.scale()
for vtx in o.vertices:
# vtx is a list of vertices. (o.vertices was a list of lists)
# Compute the center of this face.
center = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, vtx)/len(vtx)
# Make a handle at this point.
h1 = maphandles.FaceHandle(center, o)
# Make a "normal vector" handle araising from this point.
h2 = maphandles.FaceNormalHandle(center, vtx, o, scale)
# Add these new handles to the list.
h = h + [h2, h1]
return h
def menu(o, editor):
import mapmenus
import mapbtns
h = [ ]
if editor.layout.mpp.n != 3:
Spec1 = qmenu.item("&Face page...", mapmenus.set_mpp_page, "display face information")
Spec1.page = 3
Spec1.state = qmenu.default
Tex1 = qmenu.item("&Choose Texture...", mapbtns.texturebrowser, "choose texture for face")
texpop = qmenu.popup("&Texture",[Tex1]+ mapmenus.MenuTexFlags(editor))
texpop.label = 'texpop'
import mapselection
Cancel1 = qmenu.item("&Cancel Selections", mapselection.EscClick, "cancel all items selected")
Force1 = qmenu.item("&Force center to grid", editor.ForceEverythingToGrid, "force to grid")
Force1.state = not editor.gridstep and qmenu.disabled
return h + [texpop, qmenu.sep, Cancel1, qmenu.sep, Force1]
# Maybe these functions should be shifted to mapbezier,
# with an empty menu set up here, and the functions added
# using the technique employed for project texture from
# tagged in mapbezier
class BezierType(EntityManager):
"Bezier Patches"
# tiglari
def menubegin(o, editor):
import mapmenus
import mapbtns
def swapclick(m, o=o, editor=editor):
new = o.copy()
undo.exchange(o, new)
editor.ok(undo, "Swap Sides")
Tex1 = qmenu.item("Choose &Texture...", mapbtns.texturebrowser, "choose texture for patch")
texpop = qmenu.popup("&Texture",[Tex1])
swap = qmenu.item("&Swap sides",swapclick,"Flip visible side of patch")
return [texpop, swap]
# /tiglari
def tex_handles(o, editor, view):
import mapbezier
# Bezier handles : one per control point
colors = [[0xF00000, 0xD00000, 0xB00000, 0x900000, 0x700000], #DECKER
[0x00F000, 0x00D000, 0x00B000, 0x009000, 0x007000],
[0x0000F0, 0x0000D0, 0x0000B0, 0x000090, 0x000070],
[0xF0F000, 0xD0D000, 0xB0B000, 0x909000, 0x707000],
[0x00F0F0, 0x00D0D0, 0x00B0B0, 0x009090, 0x007070],
[0xF000F0, 0xD000D0, 0xB000B0, 0x900090, 0x700070],
[0xF0F0F0, 0xD0D0D0, 0xB0B0B0, 0x909090, 0x707070]]
coli = 0 #DECKER
h = []
cp = o.cp
for i in range(len(cp)):
colj = 0 #DECKER
cpline = cp[i]
for j in range(len(cpline)):
c1 = cpline[j]
# makes a list of couples (projected position, handle object)
c1 = quarkx.vect(c1.s, c1.t, 0)
h.append( mapbezier.CPTextureHandle(c1, o, (i,j), colors[coli][colj])) #DECKER
colj = (colj+1)%4
coli = (coli+1)%6
return h
def handles(o, editor, view):
import mapbezier
# Bezier handles : one per control point
colors = [[0xF00000, 0xD00000, 0xB00000, 0x900000, 0x700000], #DECKER
[0x00F000, 0x00D000, 0x00B000, 0x009000, 0x007000],
[0x0000F0, 0x0000D0, 0x0000B0, 0x000090, 0x000070],
[0xF0F000, 0xD0D000, 0xB0B000, 0x909000, 0x707000],
[0x00F0F0, 0x00D0D0, 0x00B0B0, 0x009090, 0x007070],
[0xF000F0, 0xD000D0, 0xB000B0, 0x900090, 0x700070],
[0xF0F0F0, 0xD0D0D0, 0xB0B0B0, 0x909090, 0x707070]]
coli = 0 #DECKER
h = []
cp = o.cp
for i in range(len(cp)):
colj = 0 #DECKER
cpline = cp[i]
for j in range(len(cpline)):
c1 = cpline[j]
# makes a list of couples (projected position, handle object)
h.append((view.proj(c1), mapbezier.CPHandle(c1, o, (i,j), colors[coli][colj]))) #DECKER
colj = (colj+1)%4
coli = (coli+1)%6
h.sort() # sort on Z-order, nearest first
h.reverse() # we have to draw back handles first, so reverse the order
h = map(lambda x: x[1], h) # extract the 2nd component of all couples (i.e., keep only handle objects)
# Add a center handle
# put the handle in the middle of the first square of control points
pos = 0.25 * (cp[0][0]+cp[0][1]+cp[1][0]+cp[1][1])
except IndexError:
# there are not enough control points
pos = o.origin
if pos is not None:
h.append(mapbezier.CenterHandle(pos, o))
return h
# Mappings between Internal Objects types and Entity Manager classes.
Mapping = {
":d": DuplicatorType(),
":e": EntityType(),
":g": GroupType(),
":b": BrushEntityType(),
":p": PolyhedronType(),
":f": FaceType(),
":b2": BezierType() }
# Use the function below to call a method of the Entity Manager classes.
# Syntax is : CallManager("method", entity, arguments...)
def CallManager(fn, *args):
"Calls a function suitable for the QuArK object given as second argument."
mgr = Mapping[args[0].type]
except KeyError:
mgr = EntityManager() # unknown type
return apply(getattr(mgr, fn).im_func, args) # call the function
# To Armin:
# Change the existing 'def drawentitylines()' in quarkpy/mapentities.py, to all this.
# Notice that there is a new setting; "EntityLinesDispersion". If its enabled, it can really increase the time QuArK/Windows
# spends drawing graphics. (And it confuses me a bit, when I only wants to see what connections one entity has got).
# Notice that here Arrow() now sends an extra argument, a text, so the Arrow() function should be modified to take this, but
# does not need to do anything with it, yet!
class DefaultDrawEntityLines:
def drawentityarrow(self, entity, org, backarrow, color, view, processentities, text=None):
org2 = ObjectOrigin(entity)
if org2 is not None:
cv = view.canvas()
# cv.penwidth = 2 # DECKER - Make this a configurable size
cv.penwidth = mapoptions.getThinLineThickness()
cv.pencolor = color
# DECKER - These font settings are commented out at the moment
# cv.fontname = # DECKER - Make this configurable
# cv.fontcolor = color
# cv.fontsize = # DECKER - Make this configurable
if backarrow:
Arrow(cv, view, org2, org, text) # DECKER - When the Arrow() function can draw a text with it, we're ready for it
Arrow(cv, view, org, org2, text) # DECKER - When the Arrow() function can draw a text with it, we're ready for it
if MapOption("EntityLinesDispersion"): # DECKER - Make this switchable for the user!!!
if not (entity in processentities): # remove this to remove
processentities.append(entity) # recurrence in entity lines
def drawentityarrows(self, spec, arg, org, backarrow, color, view, entities, processentities, text=None):
for e in tuple(entities):
if e[spec]==arg:
self.drawentityarrow(e, org, backarrow, color, view, processentities, text)
def drawentitylines(self, entity, org, view, entities, processentities):
color = MapColor("Axis")
org1 = view.proj(org)
if org1.visible:
L1 = entity["light"]
L2 = entity["_light"]
if L1 or L2:
if L1:
radius = float(L1)
if entity["_color"]:
color = quakecolor(quarkx.vect(entity["_color"]))
L2 = readfloats(L2)
radius = L2[3]
color = makeRGBcolor(L2[0], L2[1], L2[2])
lightfactor, = quarkx.setupsubset()["LightFactor"]
radius = radius * view.scale(org) * lightfactor
cv = view.canvas()
cv.pencolor = color
# cv.penwidth = 2 # DECKER - Make this a configurable size
cv.penwidth = mapoptions.getThinLineThickness()
cv.brushstyle = BS_CLEAR
cv.ellipse(org1.x-radius, org1.y-radius, org1.x+radius, org1.y+radius)
if entity["target"] is not None:
self.drawentityarrows("targetname", entity["target"], org, 0, color, view, entities, processentities)
if entity["targetname"] is not None:
self.drawentityarrows("target", entity["targetname"], org, 1, color, view, entities, processentities)
self.drawentityarrows("killtarget", entity["targetname"], org, 1, RED, view, entities, processentities)
if entity["killtarget"] is not None:
self.drawentityarrows("targetname", entity["killtarget"], org, 0, RED, view, entities, processentities)
# EntityLines Manager list
EntityLinesMapping = {
"Default": DefaultDrawEntityLines()
def drawentitylines(editor, processentities, view):
"According to the choosen game, draw additionnal lines and arrows (e.g. target to targetname)"
entities = editor.AllEntities()
mgr = EntityLinesMapping[quarkx.setupsubset().shortname] # DECKER - Find a drawentitylines-mgr for this game
except KeyError:
mgr = EntityLinesMapping["Default"] # DECKER - Hmm? Use the default manager, since there wasn't any plugin for the selected game
i = 0
while i<len(processentities):
entity = processentities[i]
if entity in entities:
org = ObjectOrigin(entity)
if org is None:
mgr.drawentitylines(entity, org, view, entities, processentities) # DECKER - Call the manager
# Function to load the form corresponding to an entity list.
formdict = {}
def lookupPyForm(f1):
if formdict.has_key(f1):
return formdict[f1]
def registerPyForm(name, formstring):
f = quarkx.newobj(name+":form")
formdict[name] = f
def LoadEntityForm(sl):
formobj = None
if len(sl):
f1 = CallManager("dataformname", sl[0])
for obj in sl[1:]:
f2 = CallManager("dataformname", obj)
if f2!=f1:
f1 = None
if f1 is not None:
#bbox = LoadPoolObj("BoundingBoxes", quarkx.getqctxlist, ":form")
#for f in bbox:
# if f.shortname == f1:
# formobj = f # find the LAST form
flist = quarkx.getqctxlist(':form', f1)
if len(flist):
formobj = flist[-1]
if formobj is None:
formobj = lookupPyForm(f1)
return formobj
# ----------- REVISION HISTORY ------------
#$Log: mapentities.py,v $
#Revision 1.30 2003/03/23 07:31:18 tiglari
#make trigger-target line thickness configurable
#Revision 1.29 2003/02/13 15:56:53 cdunde
#To add Cancel Selections function to RMB menu.
#Revision 1.28 2001/08/16 20:09:29 decker_dk
#Put 'Add user center' menuitem on Treeview Group's context-menu. Its more visible there.
#Revision 1.27 2001/04/10 08:52:57 tiglari
#remove CustomObjectOrigin
#Revision 1.26 2001/03/31 13:01:35 tiglari
#usercenter for groups (for rotation)
#Revision 1.25 2001/03/22 08:14:31 tiglari
#origin duplicator bugfix
#Revision 1.24 2001/03/21 21:19:08 tiglari
#custom origin (center for groups) duplicator support
#Revision 1.23 2001/02/07 18:40:47 aiv
#bezier texture vertice page started.
#Revision 1.22 2001/01/10 20:25:53 tiglari
#fix bug in registerPyForm
#Revision 1.21 2000/12/31 02:46:02 tiglari
#Support for python code to add entity forms
# (for shape-generator development: lookup/registerPyForm)
#Revision 1.20 2000/07/29 02:06:35 tiglari
#my idea of how to do `hardcore' color coding
#Revision 1.19 2000/07/26 11:34:02 tiglari
#changes for bezier menu reorganizations
#Revision 1.18 2000/07/24 12:48:39 tiglari
#reorganization of bezier texture menu
#Revision 1.17 2000/07/24 09:09:23 tiglari
#Put Texture.. (choose) and Texture Flags into a submenu labelled 'texpop', for texture menu cleanup as suggested by Brian Audette
#Revision 1.16 2000/07/16 07:56:26 tiglari
#bezier menu -> menubegin
#Revision 1.15 2000/06/04 03:22:28 tiglari
#texture choice item for b2 menu
#Revision 1.14 2000/06/02 16:00:22 alexander
#added cvs headers
#Revision 1.13 2000/05/26 23:07:39 tiglari
#fiddled with beziertype entity manager
#Revision 1.12 2000/05/19 10:13:39 tiglari
#fixed `snap' in revision history at bottom
#Revision 1.11 2000/05/19 10:11:13 tiglari
#added revision history, comments on use of BezierType menu